Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Back to Churchill

We had to go back! It was such a beautiful spot and it will be too hot soon. The flowers were still out and the lizards were plentiful but to fast to photograph. There is a picture of Mike taking quadrant's with his new GPS on a rock that was too big to carry out. We will take Cullen and Melissa there and they can bring these beauties out for us. They have had training in carrying heavy loads.
We included a picture of our camp spot for Steve and Sharon in Colorado so they could see how we like to hook up, with nature that is, not another camper in site. We know soon we will have to head to the mountains but for now we are enjoying the desert and it's beauty. Sparky enjoyed the rare bone found from a steer long left behind.
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1 comment:

Melissa and Cullen Jones said...

Wow, Nice rocks!!! I´d be happy to carry them out for you.

We just travel through incredible desert in the Southern Hemisphere similar to Nevada but with its own twist of extreme cold, altitude, and an abundance of salt.

Our hookups involved frozen toilets, walls made of pure salt, and Bolivian cuisine. I believe I prefer the Jones hookup!!!

Love you Guys