Sunday, April 13, 2008

Rockin In Nevada

Sparky helped us this weekend with our rockin. We went to a secret spot where we found lots of good stuff. As you can See we found Turquoise, Selenite, Petrified wood, (we stayed under our 25lb a day limit), and Malachite. We found other goodies but we still are not sure what they are.
We have turned in our bird books for rock books. The problem with rock collecting is we don't know where to put all our finds.The work bench in the garage is covered with rocks. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Melissa and Cullen Jones said...

Wow those rocks look like they should be in a museum! Is it legal to have such a pretty collection? Mike, did Sparky take you down? Love the pics! Where is the secret spot????? Please do tell!

Love MJ & CJ